Treatments / Packages

Kerala Health Tourism >> Dental Treatment Thiruvananthapuram >> Ananthapuri Dental Treatment

Smile designing

It beautifies your smile by aligning your lips with your teeth. The jaw line and lips are cosmetically reengineered to attribute an aesthetic smile.



TMJ (Tempero- Mandibular joint) Therapy

This therapy is for jaw joint (joint connecting your lower jaw with upper jaw) and headache pain treatment. The movement in this joint lets you open and close your mouth and chew. Various factors place undue strain on the area leading to discomfort in jaw and severe headache. We address such problems with heat or cold pack on face, vitamin supplements and exercise. If it does not suffix, mouth guard or latest in the array, NTI – TSS, a splint that fits over jaw teeth is tried. If that does not work last option, surgery, is performed.

Dental implants

If you want to replace one or more missing teeth, dental implants may be the solution to your problem. Implants provide greater structural support and last longer than bridges, removable partials or dentures. It is important to find an implant dentist who has the unique special training and experience necessary for the diagnosis and treatment planning.

Ceramic crown and bridge


Crowns or caps are ideal for repairing and reinforcing badly damaged teeth, serving both a cosmetic and a practical function. Made of strong porcelain, they are particularly recommended for patients with teeth that are cracked or badly decayed. By strengthening weak teeth, they can substantially reduce or eliminate pain, sensitivity, and difficulty with chewing and speaking.


If you are missing one or more of your teeth, a dental bridge can fill the gap, thereby restoring both the form and function of your natural teeth. The bridge is comprised of an artificial tooth held together by two porcelain crowns and is custom-designed to fit snugly in the space left vacant by the missing tooth. Strong, comfortable, and virtually imperceptible, dental bridges provide a discreet, lasting solution to missing teeth

